Saturday, December 5, 2015

Oasis (The Last Humans Book 1) review

I received an advanced copy of this book for review. 
This is my first opportunity to read one of Dima Zales’ literary works and I was quite impressed. 

The first few words will definitely grab your attention and for good reason, the rest of the beginning is a little slow. Stick with it and don’t give up because the action is there if you give it the chance. The whole book is full of strong language, not meant for the youngest of young adults.

Know that everything has a purpose and is meant to make you think as the scenes develop. If you stick with it you will be rewarded with twists and turns with an ending that leaves you with a pleasant surprise.   

I don’t normally admit to liking science fiction but this series would put me happily on the geek train ready for book two.

Grab yourself a copy and enjoy the ride on January 19, 2016