Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Young Living Peppermint Essential Oil

Young Living Peppermint Essential Oils 
Distributed by Nicole Kersey

 We love essential oils! We try to use natural alternatives to pharmaceuticals when at all possible. I have lupus but don't need any medication because I treat it with chiropractic care, cleaner eating, and properly using essential oils. 
I was sent a sample of Peppermint essential oil. I cannot use peppermint currently because I am breastfeeding and it could cause a dip in my supply. Always check to see if an oil is safe for your body or the bodies around you before applying it to your skin or diffusing it around others. Peppermint is great for making sure that fevers don't get out of control. Our children have never had Tylenol or Motrin type medications. We believe that fevers are the body's natural defense and are beneficial. The only thing we do is use properly diluted peppermint oil along the spine if the fever gets to be about 104 and the child is too uncomfortable to get rest. The peppermint brings the body temperature down to a nice 100-101. That way the fever can still do it's job and the child can get some much needed rest to fight whatever ick is causing an immune response.
We prefer Young Living because other brands have reacted negatively to my system. Essential oils can help with a ton of different ailments but always make sure to research their proper uses. Even though we use Young Living oils we don't support all of their practices or everything that distributors say. Remember, you are your own advocate. Research everything. Never ingest essential oils unless under the care of a well researched and trusted provider. My husband has treated his depression since he was in the Navy with frankincense essential oil taken orally under the care of a physician. Essential oils are VERY potent. They are very powerful. One drop goes a long way.

Check out how to use essential oils safely by joining this facebook group.

You can check out Nicole's distributor page by clicking here.

I was provided a sample free for an honest review.

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